February Band of Bloggers


Back in the Fall I reached out to a group of ladies whose blogs I had been lurking about for quite some time. Nail stuff, smelly waxy stuff, sparkly stuff, makeup stuff, and then occasionally that annoying old thing we call day-to-day life, it was all on display, and with some kind, funny and thoughtful voices backing it up, to boot.  It was through this group that I joined up with the Fall Fun Series, and then through that series that I’ve now joined up with the Band of Bloggers, a fun, friendly and supportive group of mostly wax and fragrance bloggers who get together once a month to talk about all things deliciously scented.  Below you’ll find my thoughts on this month’s question, as well as links to the other participating blogs – please do check them out!

Welcome to the February edition of Band of Bloggers!  You’re probably getting tired of winter already as we start this new month.  Maybe your thoughts are already turning towards spring, or maybe you’re all about Valentine’s at the moment.  Hearts and roses, chocolates and cards, and special someones making you smile…with all that love floating around, our question this month is quite simple.

What scent are you *loving* at the moment?  It can be anything from wax, to perfume, to body care, to…whatever!

Mango!  Mango, mango, mango.  Huh, funny how words lose all meaning the more you say them.  Mmmmmmmmango!

But truly, after once again burning myself out (heh) on seasonal scents (tree! mint! cookies!) I’m now all about tart and fruity bakery blends.  I’m particularly fond of the Mango Sorbet fragrance oil that most vendors seem to use, which is good, as I’ve two custom orders coming my way in the next few weeks, and mango features prominently in both.  Sweet and juicy, with a nice little kick of tartness to keep them from becoming completely saccharine, mango scents lean tropical, but without the floral notes that can nudge tropical fruits into pina colada territory (a place I don’t ever care to visit; pina coladas are a waste of alcohol, and virgin pina coladas are a waste of ice!)  One of my favourite mango scents is Rosegirls’ Mango Coconut Waffle Cone, and it smells exactly as delicious as it sounds – crisp, sugary, fresh-from-the-oven waffle cones heaped with tart, cool and creamy mango sorbet, sprinkled with a dusting of shredded coconut.  It’s friggin’ fantastic.


We hope you’ll join the fun and leave your own answer in the comments below.

And we hope you’ll visit these Band of Blogger blogs and help support the blogger community!

Amanda at Thrifty Polished

Jaybird at The Candle Enthusiast

Julie at The Redolent Mermaid

Lauren at LoloLovesScents

Liz at Furianne

Sandra – me! – at Finger Candy

And if you’d like to join in on the Band of Bloggers fun, please don’t hesitate to contact any one of us!

12 thoughts on “February Band of Bloggers

  1. Mmmango! It really deserves more love, peach gets all the stone fruit attention. Have you ever tried a mango lassie? It’s like a pureed mango smoothie and tastes like the nectar of the gods.

    Yay to us for reppin the BoBs-the new class. I think you should design t-shirts.😁

    • There’s an odd little note to peach scents that I don’t really care for. It’s kind of sweaty-smelling. Mangos make a more than adequate substitute for all your peach-scented needs, says I. And I have had a mango lassi (also rose and strawberry) and they are deeeelicious! Balances out all that paneer. 🙂

  2. I’ve seen two types of mango scents around – a straight-up mango, which is very mild and fruity, and then Mango Sorbet, which is the ballsier of the two. It supposedly has berries and other things blended in, although I just smell tart and sweet. Love it.

    I DON’T love it when I convince myself I adore a scent, only to discover that whoops, no, X smell is not for me. Yours is mango, mine is zucchini bread blends, which I *thought* I loved (I think you loathe them, right? Corn Chip City?)

    Those cheapie air fresheners (the hang-up plastic ones, right?) should be banned from the face of the earth, they’re so awful. Those are totally the kind of scents that will turn you off something for life, because they all smell like plastic. Or a motel that charges by the hour.

    • You are correct. I *HATE* zucchini bread scents! Ugh, I don’t care what it’s blended with, my brain picks up on that salty corn chip note and that’s it. BLEAH!!!

    • Oh my gosh, it’s yummy, and it really smells like the genuine article. It has that ice cream shop smell to it. 🙂 I’ve never been much for honeysuckle, but I’m coming around on peony (as flowers, though, I love them!)

      • Yes! Both new scents for me this year. I feel like as long as those are lighter then I like them. That Bath &Body Works Honeysuckle was INTENSE. I did not like that at all haha. Peony (flowers) are def a fav. I thought about having some as a tattoo once 🙂

  3. I think I have tried a Mango Fluff Puffs before. I enjoy mango and for that matter, peach. When they are done well. I did buy that half pie in Posh Pristine Peach but it is more perfumy than pure peach. I think I need to try some straight up Mango Sorbet though.

    • A-ha, I wondered what you had nabbed during the last Rosegirls opening (or the last-last.) I almost caved on that Alice blend, but held off.

      You know, I find that Fluff Puffs can be an odd partner for certain scents. I don’t know if you liked Mango Fluff Puffs or not, but sometimes the buttery note of the Fluff Puffs (would that be the “fluff” portion, do you suppose, or the “puff”?) doesn’t jive very well with certain berries or other tart scents. Powdery ones, too (I really didn’t care for Strawberry Buttercream Fluff Puffs, which I purchased two bags of, unfortunately.) But it’s totally KILLER with virtually any other vanilla-type bakery. Waffle cone and mango and marshmallow are an amazing combo. Oh, I’ll bring you over to the mango side!

      • No, I did not care for mango fluff puffs. And I totally agree, I love the vanilla or pumpkin or bakery heavy fluff puffs. The fluff is marshmallow and the puff is Monster Cookie. Wait. Maybe. Aren’t their Monster Cookie Fluff Puffs??? Maybe I am wrong. It has been a while since I was on top of my Rosegirl’s game. Butterbrickle and Pecan Waffle Fluff Puffs are some of my faves. I did place a wee order. The peach pie and one or two muffins. Bring me on over to the side!! I will start sampling some mango sorbet scents.

      • Well, my customs order just came from the little flash sales she had before Christmas, so I’ve got a couple of mango blends here for you to try – they turned out really well! Mango doesn’t jive very well with buttery scents, so if that’s what’s going on with the Fluff or the Puffs, that’d definitely be it.

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