Disney Eats (31DC2014)

Disney EatsSo here we are, friends, at the very bitter – or should I say sweet? – end of the 31 Day Nail Art Challenge. I’m proud to say that unlike my last stint at the month-long challenge rodeo, I actually kept pace with the daily themes, falling behind only for a couple of days right at the very end (“inspired by a pattern” made me very grumpy, and I wasn’t too fond of the fashion prompt either, although I really like the manicures they eventually inspired.)

For the final day’s theme of nails inspired by the work of another nail artist, I decided to put the candy back in Finger Candy with a frosted and sprinkled manicure that I admired just yesterday on Instagram from Karen G. Nails. I love the fresh, candy-coated look of her manicure, although I chose to mix it up with some black touches myself and, of course, a sticky, drippy Mickey head ice cream bar.